Sep 20, 2010

Monday Roundup

Perhaps I will feel totally fulfilled if I can actually enumerate the things I got done each week and reflect on how much is actually happening even when it seems nothing is happening.

Last week, as I noted in some updates of previous posts, I did set a few balls in motion. I made appointments regarding our finances. I did a bunch of laundry on Monday. I have some landscaping in the works with SV.

Also, I am sort of proud that I made 35 copies of a flyer promoting my google group for our block here in Davis, and went around with Sammy and D putting them in people's mailboxes. This was something I'd been meaning to do all year, and I did it. People started emailing me, slowly but surely, and now I have about 20 people signed up representing 14 households out of 34. We missed having a block listserve like we had on Hazel, so if I can continue to promote this one, we can get down to the serious business of discussing the ridiculous crime rate here (sarcasm), the new Trader Joe's opening next month (awesome), and other items on our Keep Davis Boring Agenda.

House-wise, my bed is still unmade. And I did spend time this week cleaning up after Carmen's barfathon and Sam's pee-in-panties-athons that could have been better used straightening up.

Finally, I spent some time working with lil'Dubin on a project of hers that may bear fruit. Dubin, talk to me. I don't understand your cryptic communications. Fruit? Definitely fruit? Maybe fruit? Strange fruit?

Now, it's 1:30. On to project laundry and perhaps to straighten up in general. Need to consider rearrangement of drawers/clothing. Also want to continue sending out feelers for people to help me understand the Internet and how to Make a Website without starting from scratch as usual. iWeb may be good, but I'm also interested in hearing more about what abh has to say about CMS and whatnot.

Also this week, want to make Karen's honey label even if it might be too late. Work on Noah's calling card. Think about Teacher Naomi's business card needs. Attend Yoga by riding bike to Kaya tonight. Continue with epic CD-burning project.

Baby D is awake in there and babbling, so I bid my reader(s) adieu.


Blogger lil miss dubin opined...

Keep Davis boring! No justice, no peace! Uvas no!

Dude, you are seriously an awesome breed of person for the block association flyering. That is amazing.

Also: results of fruit-bearing initiative still indeterminate.

10:25 PM  

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